

pflask [options] [–] [command ...]


pflask is a simple tool for creating process containers on LInux. It can be used for running single commands or even booting a whole operating system inside an isolated environment, where the filesystem hierarchy, networking, process tree, IPC subsystems and host/domain name can be insulated from the host system and other containers.


-r, --chroot=<dir>

Change the root directory inside the container.

-c, --chdir=<dir>

Change the current directory inside the container.

-t, --hostname

Set the container hostname.

-m, --mount=<type>:<opts>

Create a new type mount point inside the container. See MOUNT for more information.

-n, --netif[=<opts>]

Disconnect the container networking from the host. See NETIF for more information.

-u, --user=<user>

Run the command under the specified user.

-e, --user-map=<map>

Map container users to host users. The map argument is composed of three values separated by :: the first userid as seen in the user namespace of the container, the first userid as seen on the host, and a range indicating the number of consecutive ids to map.

Example: --user-map=0:100000,65536

-w, --ephemeral

Discard any change to / once the container exits. This can only be used along with --chroot and requires support for the overlay mount type.

-g, --cgroup=<controller>

Create a new cgroup in the given controller and move the container inside it.

-d, --detach

Detach from terminal.

-a, --attach=<pid>

Attach to the pid detached process. Only a process with the same UID of the detached process can attach to it. To detach again press ^@ (Ctrl + @).

-s, --setenv=<name>=<value>[,<name>=<value> ...]

Set additional environment variables. It takes a comma-separated list of variables of the form name=value. This option may be used more than once.

-k, --keepenv

Do not clear environment (only relevant when used with --chroot).

-U, --no-userns

Disable user namespace.

-M, --no-mountns

Disable mount namespace.

-N, --no-netns

Disable net namespace.

-I, --no-ipcns

Disable IPC namespace.

-H, --no-utsns

Disable UTS namespace.

-P, --no-pidns

Disable PID namespace.


pflask can create the following mount point types using the --mount option:



Bind mounts the host_path directory/file on the host filesystem to the container_path directory/file in the container. If the --chroot option is used, the destination path will be relative to the chroot directory.

Example: --mount=bind:/source/path:/dest/path



Same as bind, but makes the mount point read-only. If the --chroot option is used, the destination path will be relative to the chroot directory.

Example: --mount=bind-ro:/source/path:/dest/path



Stacks the host root_dir directory on top of the container’s dest directory using either AuFS or OverlayFS depending on what is found at compile-time. If the --chroot option is used, the destination path will be relative to the chroot directory. The work_dir directory needs to be an empty directory on the same filesystem as root_dir.

Note that AuFS and OverlayFS don’t support user namespaces, so the --user option is incompatible with this mount type unless --no-userns is also used.

Example: --mount=overlay:/overlay/path:/dest/path:/overlay/work



Mounts a temporary in-memory filesystem on the dest directory inside the container.

Example: --mount=tmp:/dest/path


pflask will create a new network namespace when the --netif option is used. If one of the following arguments is provided, a network interface will also be created inside the container:

move and rename


Moves the dev network interface from the host to the container, and renames it to name. No additional configuration will be applied to it.

Example: --netif=vxlan0:eth0



Creates a macvlan network interface using master as master interface, moves it inside the container and renames it to name. No additional configuration will be applied to it.

Example: --netif=macvlan:eth0:eth0



Same as macvlan but an ipvlan interface will be created instead. No additional configuration will be applied to it.

Example: --netif=ipvlan:eth0:eth0



Creates a pair of veth network interfaces called name_outside and name_inside. The name_inside twin will then be moved inside the container. No additional configuration will be applied to them.

Example: --netif=veth:veth0:eth0


Alessandro Ghedini <>

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